So, today I was heading down 197 on my way to the dentist to drop off some paperwork. I was driving along, minding my own business when I happened to look in my rear view mirror. Behind I noticed a man on his motorcycle.
Nothing spectacular about that except that his head appeared to be grossly deformed. I was staring so hard that I nearly wrecked my car. You know how you see something and you're like, "What the heck is that?" and you can't take your eyes off it. His face was looking totally fucked up but he was too far away for me to tell what was wrong with him.
So logic escaped me because, you know, in Maryland, riders must wear helmets and I never thought about that it might be his helmet that was jacked up.
Luckily, I did not wreck but came to an abrupt stop at the light. The guy on the motorcycle goes whizzing past me. I see what is wrong with him.
His helmet is shaped like a dinosaur head. It had this long snout with a vicious set of teeth. It even had spikes on top, kind of like Godzilla.
Naturally, as most motorcyclists do, he is flying down the street, well above the speed limit and everybody starts slowing down. Maybe they don't want to hit him, or maybe they're just as baffled as I am. What the hell was that!?
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